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A person standing on a rock in the night, which is sorounded by water. The person is holding a pocket lamp to search the night sky.

Mastering Sitecore Search: Configuring Indexed Content and Customizing Search Results

June 20, 2023

Configuring Sitecore Search: Learn how to fine-tune your search results and create a tailored search experience. Explore indexed content, adjust the crawler, configure widgets, and prioritize search results. Follow this guide to optimize your Sitecore search and deliver enhanced user experiences.


How to remove orphan layers in docker for windows

May 26, 2023

Learn how to free up space in Docker for Windows by safely removing orphan layers that are not deleted with "docker system prune..

XM Cloud Pages - Custom devices

May 23, 2023

Sitecore Pages offers multiple devices to see your current page in different breakpoints. In this post we will show you how to add more devices based on your requirements and needs.

Sitecore headless SXA restrict placeholders

May 22, 2023

Restricting placeholders for components are relative straight forward. But since the start of headless SXA Sitecore changed a few things you should keep in mind.

XM Cloud - First steps

May 16, 2023

Sitecore is moving to the cloud. We will take a look on how we can setup an environment, how to access the basic parts like Experience Edge and how to use serialization with XM Cloud.

SUGDE Frankfurt

User Group Germany - Frankfurt

May 15, 2023

The Sitecore user group germany does meet up frequently. This time we were guests at Merkel in Frankfurt with a lot of interesting presetations, from desaster recovery to the newest Sitecore Components feature.

Sitecore Cumulative hotfix 009116 PRE in docker

May 15, 2023

An guide how to apply the newest pre-release "Sitecore 10.2.1 rev. 009116 PRE" in docker.

Introducing Sitecore Search

Introducing Sitecore Search

May 4, 2023

Learn how to set up a search for your website using Sitecore Search SaaS. This post covers indexing content using a web crawler, configuring a trigger for content changes, and defining a document extractor to crawl website metadata. In the next part, we will explore how to manipulate search results to meet specific needs.